Configuration for Using Java SDK

This section describes the configuration for using SDK, and what functionality that these SDK provide.

For the first, You need to configure your application with following steps:

Create Configuration

Create safouswaap.ini as configuration for SDK. This file is INI file format.

Section Key Description
config app_id API Group code. This can be obtained from API Groups.
auth_endpoint The endpoint of "WAAP (Authentication)". This can be obtained from API Endpoints.
register_endpoint The endpoint of "WAAP (Registration)". This can be obtained from API Endpoints.
verify_endpoint The endpoint of "Client Verification". This can be obtained from API Endpoints.
cert_path The file path of client certificate. The client certificate must be pair of Trusted Certificate in the API Group.
cert_passphrase The passphrase of the client certificate.

API Groups


API Endpoints


For example,

app_id = default
auth_endpoint =
register_endpoint =
verify_endpoint =
cert_path = test.p12