End User Requirement to Use SBI Service

When the customer tenant admin has published SBI app in the User Portal, end user that has account and privilege to the app can access it directly. Although, end-users access to the SBI session via the web UI have some minimum browser requirement and some caveat.

Supported Browser

Currently most modern browsers are supported, here are the list detail of browser that compatible with SBI session:


Browser Version
Google Chrome 49 or later
Microsoft Edge 14 or later
Mozilla Firefox 48 or later
Safari 11 or later
Internet Explorer* 11

*) Audio Not Supported and might be fully unsupported in future


  • Audio is not supported on mobile browsers.

  • Seamless Clipboard ( Copying and Pasting without using the control panel ) is only supported on Chrome and Chromium-based client browsers.

  • IME support in mobile device is limited