How to use Android SDK

Importing Classes in SDK

To access all methods in the SDK, you should import ApiProtection, ApiProtectionCallback, and AuthCallBack. These classes serve different purposes: ApiProtection and ApiProtectionCallBack are used for the Registration and Transaction modules, while AuthCallBack is used for the Terminate method. Declare these three classes in your project and place them in the Activity class where you intend to use the SDK.

import com.safous.waap.ApiProtection;
import com.safous.waap.ApiProtectionCallBack;
import com.safous.waap.AuthCallBack;

Now, you have the SDK in your Activity class. Next, create a new variable to represent the ApiProtection itself. This variable can be used within your class or accessed globally as long as you have already imported the ApiProtection class.

public static ApiProtection protection;

Based on the explanation above, there are three modules that you can use in the Android SDK: the Registration Module, the Transaction Module, and the Terminate Module. Each module has different methods, but all methods have the same interface callback. The purpose of this interface is to ensure that the methods have the same state for every response. There are two states: onSuccessReceived() for successful responses, and onErrorReceived() for displaying error information.

public void onSuccessReceived(Response r) {
   // state for successful response from methods

public void onErrorReceived(Error e) {
   // state for showing error response from methods

Registration Module

In this module, there are two methods you will use. Each method is required for specific steps, so make sure you follow the steps by calling the method correctly.

  1. RegisterDevice method

To start, initialize a new variable of ApiProtection. This variable is needed for calling every method. Hence, create a new instance of ApiProtection that extends the context of your Activity class.

protection = new ApiProtection(getApplicationContext());

Next, create the ApiProtectionCallback variable. By declaring this variable, you will generate the two-state interface of onSuccessReceived and onErrorReceived within the block function.

ApiProtectionCallBack<Object> callBack = new ApiProtectionCallBack<Object>() {
    public void onSuccessReceived(Response r) {
      // Handle success response
    public void onErrorReceived(Error e) {
      // Handle error response

Finally, call the RegisterDevice method. This method requires callback parameters that you have already created above.


2.   VerifyDevice method

The purpose of this method is to obtain the Token as authentication for your recent project app. In the SDK, this method requires an Identity value as a parameter request. You can get the Identity value from the success response from the registerDevice method. So, make sure you have already done the registerDevice method and it has returned success.

Next, you need to call the method from the SDK. Create the ApiProtectionCallback variable.

protection = new ApiProtection(getApplicationContext());

Similar to registerDevice, you also need to create an ApiProtectionCallback variable. By declaring this variable, you will automatically generate a two-state interface too.

ApiProtectionCallBack<Object> callBack = new ApiProtectionCallBack<Object>() {
    public void onSuccessReceived(Response r) {
       // Handle success response
    public void onErrorReceived(Error e) {
       // Handle error response

Now, we can declare the verifyDevice method. There are two parameters in this method. The first is for a callback from ApiProtectionCallBack, and the second is called header. The header parameter is used as optional authentication in your project. But if you do not want to use it, you can set it to null.


Transaction Module

This module only has a single method. The concept of this module is similar to the Register. As a reminder, this module only works if the Registration Module has been completed and you have created and called it.

To create this Module, you will use the transaction method. The first step to create this method is mostly similar to the registration one. Create the ApiProtection variable, then create the ApiProtectionCallback variable to generate a two-state interface.

protection = new ApiProtection(getApplicationContext());
ApiProtectionCallBack<Object> callBack = new ApiProtectionCallBack<Object>() {
   public void onSuccessReceived(Response r) {
      // Handle success response
   public void onErrorReceived(Error e) {
      // Handle error response

Then you can call the transaction method. Declare it after you create the several variables above.



For every transaction method you have called, you need to call the terminate method if you want to call another new transaction method. So, ensure your project includes this method.

As usual, you need to create an ApiProtection variable to access the SDK.

protection = new ApiProtection(getApplicationContext());

Slightly different from the last two modules, Terminate needs an AuthCallBack variable. This will also generate a two-state interface. So, declare it in your project.

AuthCallBack<Object> callBack = new AuthCallBack<Object>() {
   public void onSuccessReceived(Response r) {
      // Handle success response

   public void onErrorReceived(Error e) {
      // Handle error response

Finally, create the terminate method. Put the callback variable into the parameter.
