[ZTA] Accounts/Groups

  1. New Group button: Register a new group.
  2. Status: Shows the current status of the group, indicating whether it is active (enabled) or inactive (disabled).
  3. Name: Shows the name of the group.
  4. Users: Shows the total number of users who are members of the group.
  5. Expand/Shrink button: A '+' button to expand and a '–' button to shrink the group's detailed information.

  1. Edit button: Allow modification of the group's configuration.
  2. Delete button: Delete the group.
  3. Group Name: Name of the group. Must be unique among all groups.
  4. Status: Shows the current status of the group, indicating whether it is active (enabled) or inactive (disabled). Can also be toggled on (enabled) or off (disabled).
  5. Grant access to Recording data toggle button: Control whether the members in the group can access recording data or not.
  6. List users of group: A list of users who are member of the group.
    1. Username: Username of the user.
    2. Provider: The user's source Identity Provider.
  7. Search user: Search for a group member by the user's username.