[ZTA] Add VNC Application

To create a VNC-based application, you need administrator privileges to configure your environment, including adding applications. Please refer to the following knowledge base articles about the access: Login to Admin Portal

Steps to create a VNC-based application:

  1. Go to the Settings tab > ZTNA.
  2. In Applications, choose Applications.
  3. Click New Application, then fill in the fields as follows:

(1) Name: Enter a unique name for the application (this is a required field).

(2) Application Address/FQDN/Hostname: Provide the address of your internal business app using IP format (e.g.,, FQDN (e.g., app1.coba.lan), or hostname (e.g., app1).

(3) Site: This is optional. You can leave it as "all" for a single-site deployment, but for a multisite deployment, it's recommended to choose the correct site based on the application location.

(4) Access URL: This will be automatically created based on the application name, but you can customize the subdomain if desired.

(5) Toggle Visible: By default, this is enabled. If disabled, the app will not appear in the user portal.

(6) Icon: This will automatically populate for standard HTTP/S applications, but you can customize it by uploading a different icon.

(7) Category: This is optional. It helps to organize applications by type. By default, it will use the "uncategorized" tag. For more information, please find here.

(8) Protocols: Ensure this is set to "VNC".

(9) Port: By default, this will use the standard VNC port (5900), but you can change it if needed.

(10) Single Sign-On (SSO): This is optional. If your app supports SSO, you can enable it. More information about SSO can be found here.

(11) Single Sign-On Settings is optional and can only be used with the user portal, you can leave it as None (no SSO), or set it to Basic with the options below:

  • User logon credentials, can be used if the user's credential for the user portal is registered as the server's credential.
  • Prompt user and store in personal vault, it will only ask for the password the first time the user login and then the credential will be saved in the user's Personal Vault.
  • Assign secret from vault, can be used after you store a password in the Vault system.

(12) Category is optional, it is just to make a more organized application type tag which by default will use the uncategorized tag. For more information please find here
(13) Set up Policies to be applied to the application.

  • Status: Set the status of the policy. Toggle on to enable, toggle off for disable.
  • Accounts: Define the entities that should be applied to the policy.
  • Condition: Select the access condition that should apply to the policy from the list of available conditions.
  • Action: Select the configuration that should apply to the policy for the application based on its protocol from the list of available actions. More information about action can be found in this article: [ZTA] Policies/Actions

Once all the fields have been filled out, click Save.