[ZTA] Applications/Browser Isolation

  1. New Browser Isolation button: Create a new SBI application.
  2. Search field: Search for an SBI application by its name.
  3. Browser Isolation Quota: Shows the current number of created SBI applications and the total number of SBI applications that are available to be created by the tenant. A tenant cannot create a new SBI application that surpass the quota assigned.
  4. Status: Shows the current status of the application, indicating whether it is active (enabled) or inactive (disabled).
  5. Name: Shows the name of SBI application.
  6. Browser: Shows the name of browser to Safous Secure Browser.
  7. URL/ZTNA Application: Shows the URL or ZTNA Application that should be opened with browser isolation.
  8. Expand/Shrink button: A '+' button to expand and a '–' button to shrink the SBI application's detailed information.

  1. Edit button: Allow modification of SBI application's configuration.
  2. Delete button: Delete the SBI application.
  3. Name: Unique name of the SBI application.
  4. URL/ZTNA Application: Choose whether the SBI application is intended to open a URL or a ZTNA application.
    1. If URL, an input field will be available for the administrator to enter the desired URL.
    2. If ZTNA application, a list of published applications will appear, allowing the administrator to select the specific application to be launched with Browser Isolation.
  5. Icon Upload button: Upload an icon image from local drive.
  6. Icon Image: Icon for the application. By default, will automatically use favicon of the URL or the icon of ZTNA application. Can be changed by uploading an icon from local drive.
  7. SBI options: List of options that control user experience in an SBI session.
    1. Audio -- When enabled, the SBI session will support streaming audio from the session to the user.
    2. Audio Default On -- When disabled, the audio service will be muted by default.
    3. Microphone -- When enabled, the SBI session will allow the user to pass their local microphone into the session.
    4. Clipboard Down -- When enabled, the SBI session will allow copying data from the session to the user's local computer via the clipboard.
    5. Clipboard Up -- When enabled, the SBI session will allow copying data from the user’s local computer to the session.
    6. Downloads -- When enabled, the SBI session will allow download files from the session to their local computer via the control panel download widget.
    7. Uploads -- When enabled, the SBI session will allow the user to upload files from their local computer to the session via the upload widget in the control panel.
    8. IME Default On -- When enabled, IME mode will be enabled by default.
  8. Category: Select the list of categories to associate with the application.
  9. Policies (Condition and Action): Define the policy to be applied for the application.
    1. Status: Set the status of the policy. Toggle on to enable, toggle off for disable
    2. Accounts: Define the entities that should be applied to the policy.
    3. Condition: Select the access condition that should apply to the policy from the list of available conditions.
    4. Action: Select the configuration that should apply to the policy for the SBI application from the list of available actions.