This article explains detailed configuration parameters on Settings > Configurations > Sites of Safous admin portal (
Your company might have more than 1 office/data center and within the offices, there are various internal servers installed. Sites used to group App Gateways that have connections to these internal applications/servers.
1. Name, this column shows the name of the site that is configured in the admin portal.
2. CIDR, this column shows the CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing) or network subnet that will be directed to the site.
3. DNS Suffixes, this column shows the domain names that will be directed to the site.
4. App Gateway Count, this column shows the number of App Gateways that belong to the site.
5. New Site, this button is used to define a new site with the parameters explained below:
5.a) Name, fill this field with the name of your site (it can be the name of your office or data center.
5.b) DNS Domains, fill this field with domain names that will be directed to this site.
5.c) CIDR, fill this field with CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing) or network subnet that will be directed to the site.
6. + (plus) button, click this button to view/modify the existing site. Certain parameters will be shown for you to view/modify:
6.a) Edit, click this button to modify the configuration parameters
6.b) Delete, click this button to remove the site. To be able to remove the site, you need to terminate the App Gateways inside the site and delete all the site's configurations. The site needs to be empty to be removed.
6.c) Name, this field shows the name of your site.
6.d) DNS Domains, this field shows the domain name that is directed to the site.
6.e) CIDR, this field shows the CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing) or network subnet that will be directed to the site.
Please do not forget to click the Save button after you add or modify anything.