Sites Configuration

You can configure the sites setting for configuring each sites specification and when using the multiple sites configuration. Before you could do that, please check these KB down below to ensure you have the Admin access and can access it:

Safous Admin Portal

  1. Login to
  2. Go to Settings tab> ZTNA
  3. In Configurations, choose Sites

    The sites will be added automatically when installing the application gateway for a new site or the same sites.

    • Name : Define the specific name site. Default means the first application gateway that has been installed
    • CIDR : The IP segment that is been used for this site. This CIDR will be used when an agent-based user to accessing the application in this site to be connected. You need to define the CIDR that been used of the application.
    • DNS Suffixes : The internal DNS that used in your application of this site. The purpose is for the agent-based user to resolving the internal DNS that used in the environment. If you did not define the DNS Suffixes, the agent-based user may not resolve the domain.
    • App Gateway Count : The application gateway that been used for this sites. 2 or more App Gateway Count means that this site is used as the high availability. 0 App Gateway Count means that this site is not connected to any application gateway.
  4. After you installing the application gateway, you can check the configuration of the sites by clicking the + button. It will expand several information including the application gateway information of the site.
  5. Choose Edit to change the value of DNS Domains and CIDR
    • If you use the internal DNS on your environment, you need to define the DNS suffix in this “DNS Domains” value. You also need to define the DNS Server in your application gateway. The purpose of this is for agent-based user to resolve the internal DNS. If not configured, the agent-based user cannot resolve the domain.
    •  If you want to access the application using the local IP. You need to define the CIDR in the “CIDR” value. If not configured, the agent-based user cannot access the desired application IP address.