Accessing Your First App

To accessing your first internal business application from ZTNA service you need these list:

  • Admin already created internal business app, please refer to here
  • Admin already created policy mapping for app and user authorization, refer to here
  • User that already created by admin, please refer to here
  • Your favorite web browser to open User Portal
  • You favorite authenticator App (usually in your smartphone)


Open User Portal URL in your favorite web browser based on delivery information that you got from Safous representative or system, which the URL will be like https://users.<xxxx> or https://users.<xxxx> depending which domain your environment you are using. Then your web browser will show you this login web page:


Click on With Credential and fill the Username form in the user portal with username that created by admin and then fill the Password form with the password that created by admin.


Next you will be redirected to verification page to input your multi factor authentication (MFA) that already registered.

If you already bind the MFA method with authenticator application, then you need to input yout time based token from you authenticator app. 

If you bind the MFA method to your Phone Number, then you need to input your OTP that being send via SMS to your number 


Once you verified your MFA method, you will redirected to user portal that shows the app that can be choose. 

Click the app, then you can access your internal business app through Safous ZTNA service