Getting Started with Safous ZTA

This article will guide you through the quick process of onboarding with the Safous ZTA service for the first time.

For your first setup, you need an account in the Safous Admin Portal and at least one deployed App Gateway instance in your environment.

Safous Admin Portal

Make sure you have the following:

  • An account with administrator privileges for the Safous service, details provided via:
    • Delivery Sheet for Sales contracted customers
    • Customer Portal for Online contracted customers, which can be referred to here for details
    • An account to log in and set up MFA as the first time in the portal. If you don't have an account, please contact your sales representative.

App Gateway

Please install at least 1 App Gateway using following articles depending on which domain your company uses:

Also, please note that your App Gateway server must meet the following prerequisites.  

Let’s get started!

Step 1: Login to Safous admin portal

This is your first step to login to our management portal. Click these links for details: Accessing the Admin Portal 

Step 2: Create a new user

You need to create a login user for your staff and members. Please check the article below for detailed steps:

Create First Simple User

Step 2 (Optional): Integrate with an external ID management system

If you would like to integrate with a 3rd party IDaaS (AzureAD, Okta, IIJID, etc.), please refer to the article on OpenID and SAML. This integration is not limited to modern authentication systems but also includes legacy ones like AD or LDAP.

Step 3: Create and configure a new application

In order to access your internal business application via Safous, you need to set up a new application. See the instructions below for details:

Create First Simple App

Step 4: Create and configure policy

After you finish setting up your application, you need to set up access policies to map the user and application access. Please refer to the article below:

Create First Simple Policy

Step 5: Ready to Go!

You have completed a simple setup for your staff to access your business application step-by-step. Please refer to the article here to access your business application using Safous.